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Brain Games Preschool Games Math Games Science Games Animal Games and Information USA Geography Games Language Arts Games Animal Games and Information game index Geography Games


Type in the first 3 letters of the names of the capitals in Asia - playing this game, you will also learn the location through the placement on the map!
Our free online geography games are used all over the world by kids and adults alike that want to improve their geography skills,
know the location of countries, capitals, countries, oceans, rivers, lakes, georegions and more. These geography games online with interactive maps,
tutorials and games have become a staple of schools, homeschoolers, and life-long learners. Feel free to share these free educational resources for kids
and adults with anyone that may benefit from children's educational resources,.
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More Geography - interactive map games
Learn the Countries of Asia Asia Countries Map Game - Level 1 Asia Countries Map Game - Level 2 Asia Countries Map Game - Level 3 Asia Countries Map Game - Level 4 Asia Countries Map Game - Level 5
Learn the Countries of Africa Africa Countries -  Game 1 Africa Countries -  Game2 Africa Countries -  Game 3 Africa countries-  Level 4 Africa countries-  Level 5
continents and oceans tutorial continents and oceans game level 1 drag and drop continents and oceans enter the names of the continents and oceans game level 3 Sheppard Software geography videos on youtube  
Click on the continents and oceans of the world to find out their names.
Click on the correct continent or ocean (you may select regions.)
Drag each continent or ocean onto the map.
Type the first three letters of the continent
or ocean's name.
Learn the 50 States - usa states tutorial 50 states - usa map game Level 1 50 states - usa map game Level 2 50 states - usa map game Level 3 50 states - usa map game Level 4 50 states - usa map game Level 5
Click on the US states to find their names.
Click on the correct state. You may
select regions.
Drag each state onto the map by region.
Drag each state
onto the map.
Click on the correct state (no outlines given).
Type the first three letters of the state's name.
Advanced 50 states - usa map game Level 6 50 states - usa map game Level 5 USA State Capitals Game Level 1 USA State Capitals Game Level 2 USA State Capitals Game Level 3
Keep checking back!
Drag each state onto the map (states disappear)
Type the first three letters of the state's name
(no outlines given.)
Pick the correct state
for the highlighted
capital, by region.
Pick the correct state for the highlighted capital.
Type the first three letters of the state capital's name.

By playing Sheppard Software's geography games, you will gain a mental map of the world's continents,
countries, capitals, & landscapes! Learn the locations and names of all the countries in Asia with our fun and interactive geography tutorial
and games for kids - and adults. Levels range from beginner to expert.

Countries include: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Georgia, India, Indonesia,
Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Singapore,
South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam



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